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10 weeks  |  Oct 2019 - Dec 2019


Food is the best way to obtain vitamins and minerals for our health, but sometimes healthy options are limited. The lack of nutrition is caused by an imbalanced diet, but how might we choose our supplement based on some potential dietary deficiencies?


Introducing Ownrange, a platform for food and supplement delivery service. We created a concept of online grocery shopping that focuses on the smart combination of food and supplements. You are able to customize food and recommended supplements based on your dietary goal and body information.


Key Features

1. Website

The user starting from our website in here

Users will get to know: how does our product work? who we are? what do we do? and why should they choose us? After the user finishes browsing, they can download and use
our mobile app.

let’s star our journey

2. Motion Introduction

Motion illustrations allow users to interact with the app in a vibrant and interesting way. Our short and concise tutorials for first-time users enable them to familiarize themselves with the app. After understanding the functionality of the app, users can sign in and start using it. 

Top 5 questions that are most relevant

3. A personalized       Research System

We have to brainstorm a lot of solutions to achieve the best-personalized research system. We can use the key questions to get to
know our customers.

Recommendations based on the dietary goal

4. Recommendation

We will recommend food and supplements to the customers based on the personalized survey. But don't worry, you can freely alter the selection of products that we have recommended.

The user starts from our application here

5. Home Page

The category shopping lists make the user experience of browsing and selecting more enjoyable. Easily click on the picture to view the nutrition information of the foods.

One smooth process until your package is shipped 

6. Shopping Cart & Check Out

Our interactive shopping cart allows customers to adjust the selection and quantity of food. Recommended supplements will be automatically added to the shopping cart. To finalize the order, the user needs to input their shipping information and credit card information. 



Key Features

Optimizing the experience of Integrating into the
school atmosphere by College branding.

1. Sign in & Connect

On opening the Checkout master application into the CCA account. The branding color palette and header's campus building image of the app will change along with the school's branding. A familiar sense of the school immediately makes the student feel more connected.

The user starting from our website in here

2. Website

how does our product work? the users will get to know Who we are? What do we do? and Why they choose us.

After the user finished browser, they could download our app and get to the mobile device.

Introducing Ownrange

We understand the difficulty of eating healthy.
And we want to make it easier for you.

Customer Journey




Research Insight


Ownrange Values


Personality Slider


UI Kit


© 2021 by Mia Zhang

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